My girlfriend just broke up with me, and i've been depressed for about a week now. She started going out with a kid i've hated for years now, and I really can't take it anymore. Can anyone either give me advice to get over her, or get her back?
Thanks for the help guys.Just got out of a relationship... advice?
I know what its like man but i also know that there's nothing anyone can say or do that will make it all better. When something like this happened to me everyone told me I just needed time and it would all be better but I wouldn't hear it. Turns out they were right. You just need to wait and see how things turn out. Don't spend all of your time thinking about how to get her back because she probably isn't worth it and giving yourself hope may just end up hurting you more. Don't rush into another serious relationship too quickly either. Rebounds may get your mind off the ex for a while but they wont make your feelings go away.Just got out of a relationship... advice?
Its heart breaking to hear that, and I know I cant just tell you to move along and forget about her because I'm pretty sure that your feelings for her were strong. But what I can tell you is that sooner or later you will get over it and just think of it this way . . . now you know that your X-girlfriend wasn't meant to be, so now you can start searching for the perfect girl for you. The one that will love you back. Just think that now since you broke up with this girl, there's a different girl waiting for you to come buy and swipe her off her feet and love her! Instead of wasting time thinking about your X girlfriend think about this girl. think of her waiting! So get out there ad start meeting new girls, it'll deffinately take your mind off your X. And you'll start feeling that maybe it was meant to be!
since i dont know all of the conditions all i can really say is deep breathing excercises. keep your back straight and breath as deep as you can, hold it in for ten seconds, and exhale. this might sound spiritual but from a strictly scientific aspect, more oxygen to the brain the more clear the thinking. beyond that all i can say is understand that life is constantly in a state of changing, and sometimes you will not want the chance, but it happens. not for a reason, not for a purpose, but because thats what life does
Go out with other woman.Nothing like forgetting the old one by hanging out with new chicks.Dont sit at home;or at least keep busy.Go out with friends.If you sit idle with nothing to do ,you will sit and think.Keeping busy keeps your mind off her. Healing can take respect that.You will feel better soon.Take Care
You deserve better..
Go do things for yourself. Go to a ';guy'; movie. Go do something that YOU want to do.
The best thing is do things that keep you busy and are things that YOU want to do.
think about this....
you just broke up and shes ALREADY dating someone? seeems pretty immature :/ you're probably better off without her
best advice for getting over it-
FLIRT!!!! harmlessly and shamelessly(:
Well first off don't bother trying to get her back its just a waste of your time. Either beat that guys *** just for fun and to make you feel better. Or just be the bigger man and forget about her.
Just talk to your ex about it. Tell her that she really hurt you and that you still like her. Maybe she still has feelings for you.
Prolly dating him to spite you. I would focus your energy on positive things and surround yourself with positive people. Forget her, she's not worth your energy.
im sorry,
im not sure what to tell you in this situation.
Just date her best friend if you think she's hot, or you could date someone that she doesn't like. Also you could just date any random girl that you think is cute and she would be jealous! ~I LOVE Derek and Ryan
Bury yourself in that which you love: art, sports, chess etc: there you will meet your soul-mate.
look i know its hard to get over someone but i learn this trick find something u dont like about that porson and everytime she comes to u mind this about that oen thign u dotn like....
I think u should get over it and keep moving on ure still yung u could get a better gurl then her
date her best friend, and say WHAT !?
man that sucks. my advice would be to just chillaxe and just do whatever now that you're single again
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