I was in a relationship for almost two years and it felt like I was already married. We loved eachother no doubt, but it was definently an unhealthy relationship. I ended up cheating on hime due to the fact that I felt I lost myself, lost confidence as well, gave him complete control, and had lost the feeling of thrill and excitement. I met someone who fofilled many needs for myself and made me feel in control and beautiful. Karma, never ceases to catch up though and me and the guy I had several encounters with ended up flopping and right after I came running back to my ex. Now ofcourse my ex is having difficulties trusting me and sometimes treats me wonderful, like nothing had ever happened, then has his days when I'm nothing. I spend everyday trying to prove to him that I'm going to change. The question is... is this effort even worth it? Am I just running back to him because its comfortable, and I am use to him?Relationship advice anyone?
It sounds like he is the familiarity you want but he's not your security blanket so stop using him as one. If you don't truely want a lasting relationship with him then let him go so he can find someone he will be happy with and you can continue on with your life.Relationship advice anyone?
u need an answer only u can give, u said it urself it what u know is comfortable and he knows that and will continue to hold that over your head u hurt him and will remind u of it from time to time question is do u feel like that is all your worth or do u feel like u can and deserve better, u gave urslef the answer when u said he is having difficulties with trusting u. he knows what u dont that , that u want something else and not him. he is blanket.
Move on. You can't reverse time.
holy crap, can i say i think your my twin! wow i totally never thought anyone could have a story like mine, an ithink i found my match
well mine was we met in 7th grade and it was an on an off relationship for 5 years. we were in love, my ex has such a hard time trusting me, i call him all the time when im at home doing nothing and he is at work. or im out and he is working i feel like i need to call him every 30 min to proove im not doing anything
two years is a long time, an i think that you may be feeling how i was, it was like this relationship was such a long time of my life and you feel like well i guess i should try because of the years together, but you need to find out if your trying and effort because you feel obligated because of the years together or if its where your heart is.its so odd that i sit here and call him all the time when we fight more than anything but i feel so obligtated to do it because we spent 5 years of our lives together, and i am realizing that its because its about time and not about love, even though i still love him, i think its more from my head about the time and not from my heart, your prob right about the being used to him thing, he is someone who spent time with you and you have had a relationship, but its hard to let go of something that took time in your life.
im so sorry its so hard and i hope i can help you! if you need anything else email me sparklechic2010@yahoo.com
i could sit and talk for hours about this whole topic esp because your story and mine are alike!! hope to talk to you!
It defintily sounds like your comfortable with him and that's the reason you guys are what you are.
Whether it's worth it or not, can't really tell. That's just depends on the level of effort both of you give into the relationship.
Remember Karma is a ***** and it may come at a time where you are at your best....
';Am I just running back to him because its comfortable, and I am use to him?';
You already know the answer to this.
It does not sound like this was a healthy relationship to begin with. Then you cheated on your boyfriend and lost his trust. Think of the relationship as a structure that was unstable to being with and then a tornado comes and damages it even more. Is it worth saving the structure now that is damaged almost beyond repair or should you rebuild and start over.
To answer your question, yes I think you are staying because it is comfortable and safe. Most people stay in a relationship even though it is essentially over for a year or more because they are afraid to be alone or for a variety of other reasons. The longer you stay the harder it is to leave.
Be strong and consider what makes you happy and a fulfilled person. You will likely cheat again if you are unhappy in this relationship.
good luck!
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