Would you consider it a good or bad thing if your significant other would massage your feet everyday after work. If yes or no please explain.Relationship advice? (girls only)?
not everyday... just let her know that whenever she wants you to rub her feet the offer stands! i hate feet so i wounldn't want to rub my mans feet but i would once in a while as long as he returned the favor.Relationship advice? (girls only)?
Depends on what type of work is being done during the day.
I work in an office, so if my husband massaged my feet every day after work it would be a good thing.
He is a salesman - in and out of his car all day, in the summer, with sweaty feet. I know he would love it if I massaged his feet every day after work, but I would want him to splash them off first.
Foot massages are a great thing, but lots of people have a weird foot phobia, which of course would be intensified if the feet in question were sweaty or stinky.
Absolutely not as long as she is smart enough to then turn her feet to yours and say ok honey my turn and you would have no problems obliging
yeh i think it would be nice and relaxing but i don think i would want one every night maybe just a couple of times a week
depends upon the type of day she is having
i mean it would be nice...its a nice gesture...
but you don thave to do it every day or she's gonna think you have some kind of fetish or something...
i'd say, if it seems like the times right, do it, but don tmake a date out of it
Mmmm. Very good thing.
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