Saturday, August 21, 2010

Need Relationship Advice...HELP!?

I have been involved with the love of my life for about 3 years. It begin when I was 18 and I was still young and immature. We have been through alot, the lying and cheating, jealously, you name it. He up and moved to Florida about 1 1/2 ago and I changed my number and haven't spoken to him the whole year. He called me the other day and said he tracked my number down. To get to the point, he wants me to move to Florida and get married. I'm not sure because I have my own place and responsiblities. I love this man and I know if I'm not with him I will not be completely happy but I don't know if I'm ready to jump up and move when we haven't really been together face to face in a while.

Need Advice... thanxNeed Relationship Advice...HELP!?
Sound you are really unsure and you have the right to be, moving in with someone especially if they live across the country is a huge step. First of all because you have established your self in the past here nad really become your own person away from him. You say you haven't talk in a year, that's a long tme and two people can change alot in two years. Sometimes for the better and soemtimes for the worse. I suggest starting off very slow, you don't want to move in so quickly it overwhelms you. Try to visit him for a week or two and spend time together and see how things go first. Once you do that then you will know whats right for you.

good luckNeed Relationship Advice...HELP!?
Visit Florida first. Just go to visit. Talk to him, and let whatever happens, happen. If you have a history, I think it will be easier than you think.
If you are seriously considering this, you are still young and immature.
only you can make the decision but this i can tell you if he cheated hell do it again so think youre decision and be very sure of what you want besides sometimes is better to be alone than what a bad person
Difficult to help you but I would try my best. You should not jump into the marriage. You must give careful consideration first. Are both of you mature enough now? Does he have a stable job and secure financial situation? Do you really like to bear his child and take care of him and his child? Would you regret if you are not living with him in the future? If the answers to the above are ';YES';, tell him the truth. Share with him the difficulties and if he truely loves you, he would understand your situation and help you to solve the problems together..... and both of you would be together eventually.

Well you shouldn't be the one making the sacrifice to move to florida to get married. He should make the sacrifice. You have you whole life were you live. Why don;t you tell him to come see you.

Then you can make a fair decision.
Nessa, how you still love the man and haven't been with him in a year and a half. You mean to tell me you haven't met any other guys, you haven't had sex since him? Then you also said there was lying and cheating, that should be enough right there to let it go, unless you were the one who was doing the cheating. If he left you before he can and probably leave you again. You need to think hard on this one and pray about it too.
its been a y ear and a half since you've seen him. people change. you cant be for certain he's STILL the man you love
OK your nice and happy here why move. Well think of it he has cheated and lied to you. Do you think he won't do it again. Especially if he knows he can get away with it. It is a good thing if you just stayed there and be happy and not gt yoru heart broken again
Before you get married and live together, you need to really know each other. You're right to be cautious. If you are interested in him, start visiting each other and see how things go.
I wouldn't jump into things right now. Think back and remeber why it didn't work the first time. I'd reconnect slowly and see if things have really changed. Another problem is you don't know how each other have changed over the course of a year and a half. You probably aren't the same people and once together you may not even feel the same way .
Why after a year and a half he decides now that he wants to marry you? Where was that devotion when he was packing to go to Florida? You can marry him, if you want a life packed with lying, cheating, and jealously. Ten times out of ten, the relationship that y'all had before he left is going to be the same type of relationship that y'all will always have. You don't have to rush and decide, unless he decides to up and move again.
Gurl go get down ................get married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just tell him what you told us. If he has matured, he will understand and work with you to find out if this is the best course of action for the two of you. I love happy endings, so I wish you both the best of luck.
If he truly loved you whay would he have moved away a year and a half ago?
he loves you he tracked your number if you love him you'll go to him
Are you serious? Listen honey, if this guy actually loved you he would not have left 1 1/2 years ago. Not sure you are getting the whole story here. Why did he suddenly change his mind? Plus, I am sure you will find someone that you don't have to worry about the lying and cheating that will make you completely happy. You are only 21!!! Live life a little while longer before getting married.
I would try to reconnect slowly to be sure that your feelings are still the same when you are face to face. Then, date long distance for a period of time. After that, you will know. If you truly love him, you will feel at home with him regardless of where you live. Best of luck!
I am a romantic at heart and I guess you should go for it! The reason is that first of all, dont worry abt why he had moved.. ppl make mistakes but it is clear he missed you a lot and thus tracked u down.. secondly, he is not messing up with u and is proposing marriage, which is a positive sign provided he has a stable job or a degree... Girl just go for it! U know u love him.. why wonder all ur life.. ';what if i had moved';.. just do it and see what happens.. I wish u all the best!
Don't do it if he wants you that bad he will work out things with himself like coming to see you going on dates, but why did he up an move like that and you haven't talked to him in a year! There are easier ways to get someones phone number that doesn't take a year.
I'd find out why he left. (a failed online relationship?..etc)

Visit him first...get a room close to his place.

Check things out first...ask to meet some people in his circle.

I would'nt just move.
tell him that u like it where you are. tell him that u love him and all that, but you have responsibilities to take care of. just tell him how you feel. since you guys havnt talked face to face in a while, tell him that you would like to wait, and catch up with him. :)

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