Monday, August 23, 2010

Need some relationship advice!! Can you help me?

I purchased two homes in Mexico. My wife and step children lived in one with me. The other I purchased for an investment and to rent out. My wife started moving her and the kids things to the second home. She says that she wants a time out. I've been arguing with her about another man that is trying to cause problems in our marriage. He keeps calling the house and hanging up. Put condoms in our car when she went to tijuana to work. He owns a bar in T.J. and she works for him. Another problem, I don't like her working in a bar as a stripper. Now that she is moving out because I'm too jealous?!?!?! She is now interested in helping me with my cleaning business and selling cars with me. I love her, but, I don't know about helping her after she leaves me. She says she just wants space and is going to try and see if she and I still have anything left. She wants to start over as friends. I think she just wants to keep using me. If she wants to work things out, why move out?Need some relationship advice!! Can you help me?
Have you notice that the begining of a relationship determines the end of the relationship? People just don't change to please others, they modify their behavior for a while. This relationship is not healthy for you anymore. Protect your finances and find a healthy relationship somewhere else.

Whenever you are ready to meet someone else remember:

-If you are not willing to accept that person the way she is when you met her, move on, a person that has to change is not the right person for you.

-TIME determines if the relationship is going to be good in the long run. At the begining of a relationship everything is fake and false impressions. Take your time to know that person and for her to know you.

It's hard to move on but not impossible. You can do it.

Good luck.Need some relationship advice!! Can you help me?
Get a life...
I would agree to the seperation to see if there is anything left but while she is gone make her pay her own way so she sees what -=she is losing, maybe you might realize you want better
You need to look for family medial counsellor. You both have to face the fact that if your marriage is still able to continue. You can only do what you can. You have to stay peace and calm to make a good decision. Kindness is very important at this situation because it would not make the problem worse. You might loose even much more if arguing turns into fighting. This is only my personal opinion. Good luck !!
All I keep thinking is wow!!! Do you really need to ask the questions you ask?? Your instincts are right on. She's trying to get her golddigging hands on your businesses. She's already taken your income property. Move her out!!! DO NOT let her get her hands on your businesses or she'll find a way to bleed them dry. Wake up and smell the coffee buddy. Think with your big head. Get out while you still own something or she'll end up with all of it.
wow, i think you are being strung along.. theyre called goldiggers, and let her go rub her stuff thats supposed to be meant for her husband, all on her own. you dont need that
i got to second the first post! LMFAO!!!
You married a stripper that strips in mexico? LMAO You cant give relationship advice to someone that is married to a stripper.

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