ok I met this girl in my music class she is drop dead amazing, i already am in a crush with her, i facebooked her and asked her if she wanted to go to this party with me so i picked her up, and we talked most of the time, and i ended up making out with her. she pushed me away and told me she had a b/f. later than night she ended up kissing me. and when i dropped her off she kissed me.i asked her to go to the movies, she sais ok. then she sais she doesnt think she can go. so i asked her and she sais she wants to be just friends. I can tell she likes me, but shes been dating this kid for 2 months. she told me to call her after class but i didnt till after, I wrote her a poem, and she met me for coffee, i gave her the poem then we went to the mall. after i didnt kiss her when i dropped her off, and texted her asking her if she liked the poem. and she said '; I cant hangout with you anymore';. and i said tell me your feelings and she said '; I like my b/f alot and i dont like you that way';.Need some relationship advice?
You neglected to mention you age, but it is clear that you are both very young. Probably high school age. You have a crush, you probably think you are in love. It seems like this is a big deal, but trust me in 10 years from you are going to look back at this situation and laugh.
Use this as a learning experience. Use it to increase you communication skills (that includes your listening skills). And sending her a poem is not the best way to communicate.
She was giving you mixed messages by kissing you and then saying no. But no means she's not interested right now.
She has another guy she likes. Hear that. The reality is that her relationship will be short lived. So, if you like the girl, stay friends with her. Be honest with her, and say straight up.. I really like you but I get that you are not interested in me that way. I would be happy to be friends. Stay friends, so you will be around if she becomes single and will already have a friendship to build on. But be aware that there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
Good luck.Need some relationship advice?
Do you really like her that much?
Okay, I think the girl is confused right now. So I suggest to give her a week to mend her confusion. If you really like her then I think there's no reason why you shouldn't pursue her. But be very careful, if she still said NO at your second attempt I suggest that you forget her and move on. No worries, just take your time and lay all your cards.
Don't pursue her. When you run into her, say hello, be pleasant and act like a friend. When she sees that you aren't moping around, chasing after her and realizes how great you are, she may come back after you.
So, clearly it's over. She cheated on her boyfriend of two months with you, and realized that she was wrong. She may be 'drop dead amazing' to you, but the feeling is not reciprocated. I suppose you'll just have to move on?
p.s.- 'sais' is actually spelled with a y. 'Says'.
respect her and be her friend she will grow to like you more for that
Stop giving her so much attention. Young and pretty as they are, they like to play the game and if you give in as being to desperate, e.g. poems, then she will lose interest.
Ignore her, and just give her little bits of attention and she will find you interesting.
she obviously likes you... she probably just cant think of a way to leave her b/f without hurting him... she also seems confused... tell her how you feel. be open and honest, maybe she'll open up too
she might've been just flattered that you like her and kissed you for it or maybe just because she wanted to make out...but yeah, probably flattered and just went along.
if she tells you straight that she doesn't like you that way then she probably doesn't. sry, gl.
Well give it some time to think about it and then talk to her about it and ask her if she would rather have you or her b/f.
then she should of never went out with you.sounds liek she don't know what she wants.she should not of cheated on her bf and you shoul dnot try to take her away from her bf thats wrong.how would u feel if she cheated on you.if she likes you more then she break up with him 2 months is not that long.i don't think she knows what she wants or maybe now she does and she told you.its hard to tell.
Respect her wishes for now. She is being unsure of what she really wants. Give her some space and when she feels that you are better than the other guy, she will come back to you.
well hard break but maybe she is just not ready to break up with her other b/f or she mite not like u that way and well try to take ur mind off her sorry
just forget about her. find someone else. it will do you good.
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