Saturday, August 21, 2010

Relationship advice, gay relationship - unsure of what to think anymore, HELP please.?

I have been with my bf now 3.5months and well all is well. It's a distance relationship, he's in Romania - I'm in Scotland but i come here often, im here now. Nowadays he's so tired, as he is working 7 days a week at the moment, so I can understand he is tired, but he is coming across as if it's a problem me being here, although he says it's not. We've had many problems before because i'm very insecure but we had sorted them out. He seems to come across as if he's going off, but i think and hope it's just because he is tired as he is working crazy hours, and really is a grumpy boy when he is tired. I am thinking and trying to do everything to please him and feel some affection back, i know he's tired but you know, you can tell a difference between tired and not interested. What things do you think i should be doing to make a relationship work ? What things can I do to help him just now except the obvious and what do you all think? Thank you so much! :) Scotty!Relationship advice, gay relationship - unsure of what to think anymore, HELP please.?
Look at all the time you are spending on him when he is acting not interested, maybe you should do the same... see where his heart lies.

I know its a game and I hate games myself. If he won't talk, then babe you might need to walk.Relationship advice, gay relationship - unsure of what to think anymore, HELP please.?
My girlfriend and I have a very similiar situtation and Im in your boyfriends seat. While she's here pretty much for a holiday Im working and studying and trying to show her a good time all at once. It does take it's toll.

I can understand that you are feeling insecure but I think this is one thing you are going to have to sit out. He is still interested. If he's not - he'd tell you. Only a super *** would drag you across a few countries only to ignore you.

My only suggestion is a little bow chikka bow wow. Or a really awesome massage where he doesnt feel obliged to do anything. These are, in my opinion, the best way to charge his battery and get a little lovin'
I really don't recommend long distance relationships. Relationships are tough enough without adding distance. You can't really get to know another person just by quick visits and phone calls. Seems like you would be better off living near each other or breaking up. I'm sorry to say that, but it's how I feel. Being so far away from each other for the majority of the time makes it hard to feel connected. And it sounds like you are not really connecting when you are in person, either. I wish you the best of luck.
Maybe you need to give him some breathing space.

Remember that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Give him a chance to miss you.

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