i live with my fiance and our four month old baby. he works for a supermarket chain as a manager and always comes home late and leaves early in morn, i am always in bed when he does. he never has time to speak with me about prob we are having as regards his work. i fell neglected, and find it hard coping lalone. when he is off work he gets calls from foreign women in the store regardinf( aparantly) work etc. he even took calls from them on a romantic weekend away, when we eventually got one. I always have to be scheduled in, for exaample that weekend away had to be taken on a certain day because of work commitments, i feel that he is neglecting my emotional needs and that the way things are is not healthy we are always arguing. i love him but cant take the way things are any more. he loves his work more than me. what should i doRelationship advice?
I am sorry to hear you feel so neglected and unloved by your fiance. Has this only started happening since you had the baby? He seems to be leading another life, like he considers himself a different person when he is at work and obviously does not really make the effort to spend quality time with you. I think you would be wasting your time with him if you carry on, he obviously does not care for you and the baby, emotionally. Ok, he works hard to bring in a good wage but money isn't everything, you need love as well. I think if you have already tried to talk to him and he does not seem to care, then you have your answer. It is time to walk away and concentrate on you and the baby. Is there somewhere one of you can go for a few days to see if time away will make it a bit clearer? I assume you feel you are at the end of your wits if this question is anything to go by. Hope it all works out for you xRelationship advice?
Take a nap and be there for him when he gets home.
You really need to make it clear to your fiance how you are feeling, especially now you are parentsto a small child. Being a new mum can be very lonely, I know because my partner is a chef and I had a similar problem with him when our son was small. He was never around, always coming home late and speant more time interested in himself than me or the baby.
Maybe he is finding the change difficult to get used to but he needs to know how you feel. Try to talk to him. Good luck xx
tell him,that if he doesn't mind, you will start talking to guys online
Perhaps you need to give him an ultimatum. tell him he is an obsessed workaholic and that you can't stand it any more. Perhaps make jokes about 'is he going to be able to take a day off work to marry you, or is he going to only be able to take out an hour to say his vows then go back again' lol. Either way, you need to tell him how you feel and that you can't cope with the way things are. If he still does nothing, then perhaps tell him to chose. You or work. I know it sounds harsh, but it might shock him into spending less time at work. Either way I hope it all works out. Good luck x
Is, sometimes, really hard when men leave us alone and forget all the things that used to be done at the beginning of the relation. you already know that he is cheating on you, and is good to know that you can face that, but i think you should also face him and ask him how further he wants to take this kind of live and situation. ill tell you something...men always cheat, but for those times you should be strong, care more about you and your baby.. he'll have to realize that he has a commiment and is not all about work, because right now that is just an excuse.
Write him a letter, telling him how you feel. Hopefully this will get the message through to him since he never has the time to talk to you. Tell him something has got to change otherwise this marriage cannot last. A relationship needs to be nurtured; you and the baby are not merely posessions. Chances are he doesn't realise things have hit rock bottom, he is being pressured at work. Maybe he should try to get a job somewhere else that isn't so demanding of his time. Surely there's more to life! After all we work to live not live to work as your husband seems to be doing.
You need to talk to him about it openly. Tell him how you feel. That you still love him but would like to have quality time with him without the interruptions. Ask him if there is anything that you can do that could help. You might help matters by getting up at the same time as him so he feels that you appreciate that he has to work long hours. Communication is the most important thing in a relationship.
Men can get very absorbed in their work at times - but it doesn't mean to say he has forgotten about you or your child.
You need to gently but assertively remind him about his emotional duties at home. Stress how important it is that he spends quality time with you and your child. Don't nag and don't pressurise him - but if you explain calmly he will probably understand how you feel.
It may take time, but he will get the message that it's essential that you spend family time together each and every day. Even if it's only half an hour it's a start.
It will be a shame if he misses these lovely early days in your child's life,.......
Good luck. X
take up a hobby or something and really get into it and do exactly the same to him with that, let him know how you feel and he might not realise he's doing it, good luck x
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